11 Surprising signs limiting your health

Wanting to feel you can influence your health

We all want to feel we have some control in our lives, especially when living with the unpredictability and restrictions that seizures can create. We are told what medication to take, what we can and can't do, and it often feels like we have little input into our healthcare. But we do always have the ability to learn more, to find out what our body is trying to tell us, and to give it more of what it needs to support and nurture our health and happiness.

Are you feeling....

  • unsure what your body is trying to tell you

  • overwhelmed and don't know where to start

  • do you get upset easily over things that should feel manageable

  • feel you can't change stress even if it is a factor in your seizures

Do you want to discover more about what your body is trying to tell you

Whether you realise it or not, if you have seizures, then your overall health may be less than optimal. Your body may be out of balance and struggling to cope with more than you realise. Your body may be trying to tell you things but you may have come to accept these signs as just part of you.
This guide will start to change your perspective on your own everyday signs and how they might be affecting your health. The symptoms listed may seem like very common symptoms, but it does not mean that they are necessarily normal. For you, when living with seizures and your own genetics, they may be indicating health imbalances that your body could do without.
  • Discover more

    Understand why this is relevant to you and how you can start to influence your own health

  • The Seizure Shield Approach

    Take a whole body approach to your health. Optimising overall health to support seizure health.

Knowledge is power, especially when you put it into action

This guide will take you through 11 surprising signs of imbalance in your body. Identifying the signs of imbalances in your health makes it easier to address, including any impact it may have on your seizures.